Terms of Use

1. The subject of this User Agreement is the relationship between "Mapfor" (hereinafter referred to as "Mapfor"), the owner of the Internet service located at https://www.mapfor.net (hereinafter referred to as "Mapfor Service"), and you (a natural person, a user of the Internet network), hereinafter referred to as the "User," regarding the use of the Mapfor Service.

2. This User Agreement, as well as any amendments and additions to this Agreement, enter into force from the moment they are published at https://mapfor.net/terms. By creating an account (registering) on the Mapfor Service, the User fully accepts the terms of this User Agreement and agrees to receive informational newsletters from Mapfor Service, including those containing promotional content, as well as information about the operation of the Mapfor Service. The User has the right to unsubscribe (refuse) from receiving newsletters from Mapfor Service at any time by sending a notification (letter) to the email address located in the "Feedback" tab (https://mapfor.net/community). The User's agreement with the terms of this User Agreement is expressed by the actual use of the Mapfor Service.

3. The User Agreement may be amended by Mapfor unilaterally. Mapfor will notify the Users of the Mapfor Service about changes to the User Agreement through messages on the Mapfor Service website. The User understands and agrees that if they continue using the Site after the date of the changes to this User Agreement, it will be considered as the User’s acceptance of the new User Agreement. The User has the right to refuse to accept changes and additions to this User Agreement, which means the User’s refusal to use the Site.

4. The Mapfor Service is intended for exchanging information (data, text, photos, images, graphics, and other materials, hereinafter referred to as "Information"), storing files containing Information on the server, and publishing them on social networks, blogs, and other online resources at the User's discretion. The User independently initiates the transmission of Information and selects the recipient of the Information at their discretion, and Mapfor does not control or take responsibility for the User's choice. Mapfor does not assume any responsibility for delays, removal, non-delivery, or the inability to upload any data from the User, including the User's settings.

5. The User agrees to comply with the legislation of the country in which they are located when exchanging and publishing Information using the Mapfor Service.

6. The User agrees not to use the Mapfor Service for: uploading, sending, transmitting, or publishing any Information that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive to morality, defamatory, infringing copyright or other intellectual property rights, promoting hatred and/or discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, social status; violating the rights of minors and/or causing them harm in any form, including moral harm; infringing the rights of various minorities; uploading, sending, transmitting, or publishing any Information that infringes any rights of third parties, including copyright, trademark rights (service marks), trade secrets, and/or violating any other intellectual property rights of third parties; violating any norms of applicable Russian and/or international law, as well as the laws of foreign countries.

7. If Mapfor detects any violations by the User of the provisions of clauses 5, 6 of this Agreement, including upon receiving a reasoned complaint from the relevant rights holder regarding the violation of their legally protected rights, Mapfor has the right to delete the Information posted by the User or block access to it without notifying the User or providing an explanation, or to block the User’s access to the website mapfor and/or the Mapfor Service without notice and without explanation. In case of requests from the User or third parties to delete Information due to the presence of personal data, images of physical persons, or other information related to the contacting individual, Mapfor has the right to delete the posted Information, without verifying the accuracy of the information provided by the contacting person or the relevance of the deleted Information to the contacting person or the User who posted it. In case of claims from third parties related to the User’s posting of Information, the User will independently and at their own expense settle such claims. Mapfor is not responsible for the information posted by the User and for its removal based on requests from other Users or third parties.

8. When filling out the registration form, the User independently chooses a Login and Password necessary for subsequent access to their personal account on the Mapfor Service. The User is personally responsible for the safekeeping and security of their Password and information data.

9. By posting account and other data and joining the User Agreement, the User expresses their consent to the processing of account and other data by Mapfor. The purpose of processing the User’s account data is to provide services to the User and enable the use of the Mapfor Service, as well as perform other actions described in the User Agreement. The processing of the User’s account data will continue from the moment of registration until the deletion of their account. The User agrees that Mapfor has the right to perform the following actions with the account data: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, use, destruction, and other necessary actions to fulfill the User Agreement.

10. Mapfor has the right to perform maintenance work on the Mapfor Service with a temporary suspension of the service. If the intervention is not urgent, the time and date of such suspension will be announced in advance (as far as possible) on the Mapfor Service website. The User does not have the right to claim compensation for losses due to such temporary interruption of the Mapfor Service. After the maintenance work is completed, all uploaded files and links (as far as possible) will remain unchanged. Mapfor has the right to stop providing the Mapfor Service to the User at any time at its discretion. In this case, Mapfor is not responsible for the preservation of the User’s Information after the termination of the Mapfor Service.